Although we know you can get great results within our memberships, we also know that sometimes you want one-on-one attention.

We offer several options.

Coaching Call for Movement Pros with Meghann

Join Meghann for a 55-minute in-depth discussion and breakdown of your client’s movements. Using unique technology, Meghann will annotate directly on videos of your clients to help you better assess and organize a clear path forward.



Full Movement Consultations with Meghann


  • 55-minute movement evaluation on Zoom - to assess your balance, gait cycle, and how your unique brain is responding to movement.
  • Meghann will send you a Google doc - to review your full history, unique symptom profile, and to share your goals prior to your Zoom session.
[for both NJ In-Person Sessions and Zoom Sessions]

MS Concierge Service with Mariska


  • Intake – You’ll fill out a detailed questionnaire about your medical history, diagnoses, symptoms, and movement and lifestyle goals. What worked well. What didn’t. Mariska will review and come up with some initial ideas. We will then book your 55-min consultation and brainstorm session.
  • 55-minute session, on Zoom – to discuss what options might be worth trying to help reach your goals. You can also talk about your movement challenges, and she can give recommendations within and outside of the Neuro Studio membership offerings.
[for both DC In-Person Sessions and Zoom Sessions]